Parish Development Plan

We are a church that is looking to help each other grow in the knowledge, faith, and love of God. 

Our vision is to be the ‘Light of Christ in Lightwater’, building relationships with each other and the community in which we serve.

The Parochial Church Council has developed a Vision Plan which sets out how we should grow both as a Church and within the community. This process has identified three key areas which we are our current focus:

  • Growing Faith: which is about exploring new opportunities for faith, discipleship and prayer.
  • Missing Generation: which calls us  to explore how we connect more with the 20-40’s.
  • Visibility & Outreach: looking at how we extend visibility and outreach in Lightwater

You can see the full plan here.

We’re always considering new ways of developing church and are open to ideas, so do please do let us know if you are interested in any of these areas of church life.

Our next review process will begin in the Autumn of 2020 for a revised Development Plan for 2021.